Performance Consulting
Our Value Proposition
We have developed a client-centered consulting model that is focused on fostering long-term integrated relationships and providing extraordinary client service that exceeds expectations. Once an agreement to proceed is reached, we roll up our sleeves, execute our cost-effective solutions, and regularly review opportunities to improve and enhance our working partnership.
Build and Leverage Strategy and Teams Needed for Organizational Success
Leader-Centered curriculum at its best! The theme of our courses and knowledge packets for senior and executive management is Analysis, Application & Action. Our goal: Facilitate Success!
Providing knowledge and compentencies needed by today's strategic HR Business Partners (HRBP) and we do it with comprehensive and compelling learning curriculum and tools. Government and industry HR professionals benefit.
We do not create "off the shelf" management development learning solutions instead opting to assess the client's direct needs and creating the customized solution. Our consultant solutions delivery model gets us where we need to be for overall client approval and satisfaction.
To ensure D&I initiatives are successful, organizations must make sure they are sustainable, which means the strategy is supported by the entire organization, is measurable over time, and is embedded into existing processes. Our approach gets you there.
Successful supervisor and middle manager corrections, fire, and police officers will be those capable of creating certainty, mitigating risk, and avoiding uncertainty when leading their teams and supporting their operations. Identifying these leaders will be critical to success.
Strategy to Innovate: The Blueprint for Solutions Success
A Systemic Process Approach
Our strategic management and planning solutions are designed to specifically empower leaders and their management teams to develop cohesive strategies and plans aimed at overall organizational effectiveness. We provide strategy and organizational planning support at either the corporate or departmental/functional levels.
The goal is simple: Align strategy, people, and processes to achieve extraordinary results - at any level of the organization.
Featured Workshops
GWc workshops deliver reskill, upskill, and knowledge acquisition opportunities to grow the teams who, in turn, help grow the business. The goal: improve innovation and build better leaders and teams.
4-Day Supervisor Skills Course
Our supervisor skills training course is unlike any of its kind. It provides strategies and skills necessary to perform in contemporary workplace settings where “new knowledge” about leading today’s teams is essential for high performance and success. Certificates will be awarded upon completion.
Plan, Organize, Lead & Control
New and current director and VP-level leaders learn attributes that are most critical to creating environments that will drive team results and innovation and simultaneously accelerate organizational performance. Skills development in decision-making, interpersonal engagement, and technical proficiency are emphasized.
4-Day HRBP Upskill Course
Organizational value creation is the mission of today's Strategic HR Business Partners. Establishing credibility for your HR teams through competency development has never been more important than today. Our value proposition for achieving HR operations success is fairly straightforward: Identify the need, implement the solution, and achieve the results.
Organizational value creation is the mission of today's Strategic HR Business Partners. They must be business planners and goal-achievers. Establishing credibility for your HR teams through professional development has never been more important than it is today. Our value proposition for achieving HR operations success is fairly straight-forward: Identify the need, implement the solution, and achieve the results.
New HR Management Challenges
The three biggest challenges:
1. Retaining and Rewarding the best talent
2. Developing the next generation of corporate leaders
3. Creating a corporate culture that attracts the best talent
Effectively addressing HR business challenges requires understanding key strategy and execution elements which might be found in a well-developed HR service delivery model, which GaryWashConsulting can help you create.
Will your HR team have the needed competencies to address these challenges? Competencies such as:
Business Acumen
Organizational Leadership
Strategic Planning
Relationship Management
Effective Cross-Level Communication